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CVS Access:
The 'bstamp' project is kept in a CVS repository 1 at As the developers work on it, adding new features and patching bugs, they keep their latest copy of the source-code in the respository.If you're interested in trying out the 'bleeding-edge' (in other words: code that may not work right!), you can get the source from the CVS repository.
- CVS Repository Info
Information on the CVS repository for the 'bstamp' project at
- Browse the CVS Repository
Use your web browser to look at the current code (and prior versions).
- 1.
- "CVS" stands for Concurrent Versions System. It's program that lets developers save and retrieve different development versions of source code. It also lets a team of developers share control of different versions of files in a common repository of files. This kind of program is sometimes known as a version control system. (Definition from